About The Entropy Hotel
I’m far from a serious adventurer, but I’m fascinated by adventures and physical challenges. I use them to organize my life—especially to motivate me as a writer when that whole side of things feels like it could otherwise be overwhelming. My goal with The Entropy Hotel is to share my own experiences in the hope that you might find something familiar in them and will want to join in a conversation in the comments.
What I hope and aim to do here:
to write once a month
to be honest about my fears and how I’ve tried to overcome them
to inspire you to want to chime in with your own stories of success or even maybe not-so-successful experiences
to offer some advice that lends itself to the creative life, whether you’re an athlete at all or not
As for who I am—I’m a novelist with two books out and a third coming soon and another in the works. I’ve been an athlete almost all my life, thanks to parents who were very sportsy themselves in their native Greece and who believed very seriously in the ancient Greek idea of the artist-athlete-scholar type. To me, a perfect day is a day when I can do something athletic, preferably outdoors, and then sit down and work with words—whether writing or reading or teaching fiction.
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The Entropy Hotel is entirely free to all readers, but you can also consider signing up for a paid subscription. Writing these monthly pieces is something I enjoy, but I also appreciate the support for my time and effort, so if the spirit moves you, THANK YOU! And THANK YOU no matter what sort of subscription you sign up for. There is so much great writing calling on your attention, and I’m grateful you’re taking some time to read mine.