I remain convinced that the Massachusetts Avenue bridge has some sort of specific wind and or water current around it that is unusual and thus feels weird and induces panic in those who are not used to it.

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Oh, I have thought long and hard about the specific attributes of the Basin down by the Mass Ave bridge and through it. It’s too wide there! And, yes, the wakes there come from all directions, and the wind can be strange. I think the trick is to try to identify little patches of it as similar to innocuous patches of river elsewhere and then tell yourself it’s just the same. If only I could always do that!

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Your commitment to adventurous athletic-ing brings me vicarious joy. Oooof. And to write about it in a sane, thoughtful, writerly manner. That's a sport too, huh. This is really boring of me to mentions as it really has nothing to do with what you're writing about but I was in a band called The Yips https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ax-i0B3VbSM I'd not known what they were but when someone told me I was like 'oh, that's the name of the band then' -- ha.

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I love this! And I totally believe that stresses and pressure in one part of life are eventually going to find a physical home in your body. Somewhere. How, I don't know, but for years I had a specific tightness in my shoulders that I named "Stephanie," who was a real person who caused real stress in my work life. Later, I had a rowing coach who planted the seed of the idea that the tightness in my left leg could - just maybe - be related to the stress I was experiencing through a career change - of taking a figurative step forward in life, which was absolutely making me question my worth and skills and all that. In both cases, after giving a name and a potential cause to the tightness, they slowly loosened up. I think, like you say, that was a result of picking apart the cause-and-effect and moving forward anyways but with a little more information than I had before. So my goal is - remember these little bits of information during training, and do not ignore them when putting the ego and potential on the line.

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That’s really interesting, Andrea. It almost sounds a bit like a sort of magical-realist thing, but we do know that stress manifests physically, so why not something like what you’re describing. I should say that in my case, there really did also seem to be some scar tissue in the calf and a tendency to tightness maybe from something in my gait (having that looked at this week!). But you have to wonder how much the psychological affected all that. It certainly sounds like the kind of thing where you brace for something and then end up making it happen.

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